Cerro Chirripó San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica

Cerro Chirripó
San Gerardo de Rivas, Costa Rica

Currently living in Klamath County, Oregon, Jeri works as a resort host who helps visitors from around the globe through the magical landscape of the region.

Chad spends his days combing through the world’s best cycling routes at Ride with GPS, helping people to build their own adventures, both locally and beyond.

A perfect combination for exploring this exciting life together! We love to spend time biking, hiking, traveling, and cuddling our sweet doggo, Mister Mazzy Star.

The family at the St. Johns Beer Porch, Portland Oregon

The family at the St. Johns Beer Porch, Portland Oregon

Auspicious Adventurers

You’re my butter half Austin, Texas

You’re my butter half
Austin, Texas

Inspired by nature

Dry Creek Falls
Cascade Locks, Oregon

Seeking beauty and wonder

Foss sjást Hraunfossar, Iceland

Foss sjást
Hraunfossar, Iceland

You might be asking yourself, “So, how did you two adventurous humans meet?” To which we would enthusiastically reply, “Roller Derby!”

In addition to our aforementioned monikers, you may also call us J.M.F.K. and Captain Obvious, our respective derby names.


Roller derby

The sport and community of roller derby brought us together, and we are forever grateful.

So, what’s next?!

Photograph @katesprout

Photograph @katesprout

We’re getting married in September 2020, then embarking upon a two-month road trip to Central America for our honeymoon! Leaving from Portland, Oregon, USA, and traveling as far south as San Isidro de General, Costa Rica. We will be documenting along the way, and sharing posts regularly.

During this first foray into “vanlife,” we’ll be searching out the perfect property for our “resort of sorts” in the tropics of the Central American isthmus. Our goal is to eventually split time between the U.S. and Costa Rica, working in the tourism industry and living our best life.

Follow us on our journey, and enjoy the ride!